I was constantly updated on my case and am very happy with my settlement. Lindsey B.
Fights hard for clients and delivers great results. He's one of the best. Adam B.
They not only got me the settlement I needed but the settlement I deserved. David C.

Indianapolis Seat Belt Injury Lawyer

Seat belts are meant to save lives, but when something goes wrong, they can be lethal. If you or a loved one has suffered because of a faulty safety belt, seek out a seat belt injury attorney in Indianapolis for help.

Seat belts are a universal part of cars, and in most states, it’s mandatory to wear one. Regardless, driving without a seat belt is unnecessarily dangerous. They were created to make driving safer, and you should use them whenever you get into a car.

Unfortunately, something might go wrong, and now you’re injured by the seat belt that should have protected you. Thankfully, you have the opportunity to fight back with the help of an Indianapolis seat belt injury lawyer, who can guide you through your civil court case. At Kooi Law, we’ll work tirelessly to obtain the compensation you need for recovery.

Fault Laws for Seat Belt Injuries

When preparing your injury claim, you’ll need to determine the person or entity responsible for your injuries. This can be difficult because you’re not looking for someone at the scene of the car crash. Rather than looking for another driver, you’ll need to look for those that caused the defect that injured you.

When your seat belt fails, it’s often an issue with the seat belt’s manufacturing. Your seat belt might have broken on impact, for example. This can throw you out of the car, leading to severe head trauma, spinal injuries, and even fatality in many cases. When this happens, you’ll need to find the manufacturer responsible.

Compensation for Indiana Accidents

Once you’ve found those responsible for your injuries, you’ll need to seek the full compensation you deserve in the wake of the accident. This should include both financial and non-financial damages, which might be more difficult to calculate.

The medical expenses for a seat belt injury alone can get expensive quickly, for example. Seat belts are meant to reduce trauma, but when they don’t, you could be stuck dealing with physical therapy, long-term accommodations for your injury, and ongoing medical expenses.

You’re also entitled to non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, but these can be difficult to calculate because they’re intangible. An experienced lawyer can help you quantify all of the ways your life has been affected by your fault seat belt injury. If you’re not sure which damages you might seek, look over the following list with your attorney:

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Connect with an Indianapolis Seat Belt Injury Attorney

Seat belts can be a lifesaver until something goes wrong. When things do go wrong, you could be left dealing with serious injuries because of your faulty seat belt. When these safety features don’t do their jobs, you need compensation to recover from your injuries and get back to your life before the accident.

That’s where our lawyers at Kooi Law step in. Beginning with a free consultation, we’ll work for your compensation when you’re struggling with your recovery. Before you file your claim, make sure you have an attorney on your side to determine who is responsible, calculate the full value of your claim, and when necessary, represent you in court.

For more information, contact an Indianapolis seat belt injury lawyer for your consultation. Call us at 317-569-1335 or fill out the following online form for more information.

  • No pressure.
  • speak to an attorney.
  • no hidden fees.

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