I was constantly updated on my case and am very happy with my settlement. Lindsey B.
Fights hard for clients and delivers great results. He's one of the best. Adam B.
They not only got me the settlement I needed but the settlement I deserved. David C.

What to Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement

If you’ve never been hurt in a vehicle wreck before, you are probably confused as to how the aftermath is handled. Of course the first thing you should do following a crash is seek medical attention, but what do you do after that?

Assuming your wreck isn’t a minor fender bender, you may want to pursue for damages an at-fault party that was responsible for the crash. Why would you want to file a claim seeking damages? Won’t your own insurer cover your losses? Not usually.

Your insurer will likely cover some of your losses, but if your damages are extensive, you can also go after the liable driver or other responsible party. But how do you determine the extent of your damages? How will you know what to ask for in a car accident settlement?

Who Pays Your Car Crash Settlement?

The first thing you need to learn is that your settlement will be paid by the at-fault party’s insurer (usually another driver’s insurer, but it could be another party’s). The insurance company is the one who you (or your personal injury lawyer) will be negotiating with.

To determine what you should ask for in the settlement, you will need to calculate all your losses.

This can include monetary losses, like your medical bills, lost income, and other financial expenses. It can also include nonmonetary losses, like pain and suffering damages, mental anguish, or the loss of your life enjoyment. Remember to include future losses when doing your calculations, such as loss of future income or permanent disability.

Speak with a Car Wreck Lawyer Today

It can be difficult to know what to ask for in a car accident settlement. Calculations are not easy, and if you don’t understand the process, you may become overwhelmed with questions about the personal injury process.

However, you don’t have to file an injury claim by yourself. Get help by working with Kooi Law. We offer free case assessments to those who complete our online contact form or who call us directly at 317-569-1335.

  • No pressure.
  • speak to an attorney.
  • no hidden fees.

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