I was constantly updated on my case and am very happy with my settlement. Lindsey B.
Fights hard for clients and delivers great results. He's one of the best. Adam B.
They not only got me the settlement I needed but the settlement I deserved. David C.

Can I Reopen My Indiana Workers Comp Case?

When you’re injured, you need your full benefits to recover. A work accident can leave you badly injured, and it can take time and care to get you back to work. Fortunately, your employer might have already recognized that, giving you the compensation you deserve for your injury.

Unfortunately, now you’re struggling with your case, and you have a question: Can I reopen my Indiana workers comp case?

Fortunately, you do have an opportunity to change to case after the fact, but that’s not always so easy. You’ll need help getting the full benefits you deserve once your claim is being adjusted, so reach out soon. An Indiana workers comp lawyer from Kooi Law can make a difference, so get help before you begin.

Changes in Condition

Typically, your Indiana workers comp case can be reopened if there was a change in your condition. Often, this change is a negative one. You were already injured, but where you were supposed to improve, you may have only seen more severe damage.

That means you’ll need to have your claim adjusted based on how much of an impairment you’ve suffered and what your situation currently is. For example, you might have been on light duty after your accident, which lets you work in a less demanding capacity. Unfortunately, your impairment has gotten more severe, so you’re no longer able to work at all.

If you’ve seen any of the following changes to your condition, you may be eligible to reopen your Indiana workers comp case:

  • You’ve become temporarily totally disabled.
  • Your condition has generally worsened.
  • Your impairment rating increased after your first settlement.

Adjusting Your Workman’s Compensation

If you believe you’ll need a change to your compensation, you’ll first need to fill out an application to adjust your claim. Once you’ve taken this step, you should be able to work with the insurance provider with the help of an attorney. You’ll need to provide further evidence that you are in worse shape and that continued benefits are necessary.

To file this claim, you’ll likely need a lawyer to help you. Often, the insurance company won’t want to pay out more, which means you’ll have to fight for your compensation. They may also dispute whether you’ve acted quickly enough.

Keep in mind that you do have a time limit for your claim. Because you’ll need to act within two years in most cases in Indiana, your insurer may dispute whether you’ve acted in time if you’re close to that limit. So, seek out help if you’re struggling to get your compensation adjusted.

Get a Work Compensation Attorney’s Help Filing

You may know that you deserve additional help from your workers comp benefits, but the insurance company might not agree. So, if you’re not sure if you can reopen your Indiana workers comp case, reach out to a lawyer.

At Kooi Law, we want to see your claim succeed. That’s why we offer free claim reviews before you sign. That way, you know what to expect from us and your workman’s compensation case. When you’re ready to start, simply give us a call at 317-569-1335 or complete the online form below.

  • No pressure.
  • speak to an attorney.
  • no hidden fees.

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