I was constantly updated on my case and am very happy with my settlement. Lindsey B.
Fights hard for clients and delivers great results. He's one of the best. Adam B.
They not only got me the settlement I needed but the settlement I deserved. David C.

Will Workers Comp in Indiana Cover a Work-Related Illness?

If you’ve fallen ill and believe you might be sick due to exposure to something at work, contact an experienced workers compensation lawyer who can help you obtain the workers comp benefits you deserve.

Although the Indiana workers compensation system does provide benefits to those who become ill when their condition stems directly from their work environment, proving this can be a challenge. Read on to learn more about how to get your work-related illness covered by your employer’s workers compensation insurance.

Covered Occupational Diseases

Under Indiana law, the work comp insurance company will be required to provide monetary benefits to any claimant who is able to prove that his or her illness is linked to something in his or her work environment. That could include exposure to toxic or cancer-causing substances and even stress in some cases. Some common illnesses Indiana workers comp can cover include the following:

  • Respiratory diseases like COPD and byssinosis
  • Mesothelioma and other types of cancer
  • Painter’s syndrome

This is not an exhaustive list of coverable conditions, but it is a good starting point. You can only be approved for workers comp benefits due to a work-related illness if you and your lawyer are able to establish a direct link between your work environment and your condition.

Proving Your Illness Is Work-Related

When seeking workers comp benefits for an occupational illness, the responsibility to provide proof is, unfortunately, on the sick employee. Apart from providing evidence that you have been diagnosed with the condition, we will likely need to have a medical professional provide a statement confirming that you meet the criteria for a work-related illnesses.

Some of these criteria include providing evidence that the exposure to the substance in your work environment does cause the illness you are suffering from, that your exposure was great enough to cause your condition, and that you weren’t exposed to similar substances that could have caused your illness outside of work.

Your attorney will be able to gather this evidence and testimony on your behalf—you are likely too ill to do it all on your own.

Get in Touch with an Indianapolis Workers Comp Lawyer

Don’t let your claim for workers compensation benefits be wrongfully denied just because you have an illness rather than an injury. When you’ve been exposed to something at work that caused you to fall ill, you are entitled to collect workers comp benefits while you recover.

To discuss the details of your work-related illness with a knowledgeable Indianapolis workers comp lawyer at Kooi Law, simply fill out the contact form below or give our office a call at (317) 569-1335.

  • No pressure.
  • speak to an attorney.
  • no hidden fees.

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