I was constantly updated on my case and am very happy with my settlement. Lindsey B.
Fights hard for clients and delivers great results. He's one of the best. Adam B.
They not only got me the settlement I needed but the settlement I deserved. David C.

Do All Workers Comp Cases End in a Settlement?

Being denied your workers comp claim can be a scary situation. You need those benefits to help you recover from serious injuries that can have devastating impacts on your health. Unfortunately, it can be especially tough to recover your workers comp benefits alone. 

But do all workers comp cases end in a settlement if they have a lawyer involved? We’re committed to maintaining a high rate of success for our clients who have suffered through a traumatic work injury, so read on to learn more about your options for compensation and how an Indianapolis workers comp lawyer can help.  

Workers Comp Cases Don’t Always Settle 

You may have already been denied your workers comp benefits once by your employer or the insurance company. But you may be hoping you can settle with them and get your benefits without further trouble. 

Unfortunately, it’s not always so easy. You may have reviewed your workers comp denial letter, and you may have addressed the reason you were denied, only to receive another denial. In some cases, your employer or their insurance company may be unwilling to pay for your recovery. 

That’s because these are for-profit businesses. It doesn’t benefit them to pay out large sums of money for your recovery—therefore you may need a lawyer to push them to compensate you fairly. 

You Have Options for Your Workers Comp Claim 

When you’re injured on the job, you may be due workers comp benefits. But if the at-fault party refuses to settle with you, you may have grounds for a formal hearing or even a lawsuit. 

If the insurance company refuses to settle with you, your lawyer may take your claim to the Indiana Workers Compensation Board. If they continue to dispute your claim, the board will hear your claim during a formal hearing. 

You and your lawyer will have a chance to show you’re due compensation, and the insurance company will have a chance to explain the reason for their denial. The Workers Compensation Board will review the presented evidence, then choose to uphold the denial, or to approve your workers compensation benefits. 

You may also have a chance to sue the insurance company if they were acting in bad faith. Insurance companies may try to break their agreement with you, failing to pay for your injuries when the company is obligated to do so. When this happens, your lawyer can help you seek compensation for their actions. The insurance company may also face civil penalties for these actions. 

Get Your Workers Comp Settlement with a Lawyer 

Settling a workers comp claim can be difficult. You may not have the resources for it, and balancing a formal hearing about your claim with recovering from your injuries is difficult to do. Let a lawyer from Kooi Law take some of the pressure off. 

Not all workers comp cases end in a settlement, but we can fight to end your case with the best compensation for your claim. Start with a free consultation, and we’ll discuss how we can help your claim succeed. Call 317-569-1335 or complete the following online contact form. 

  • No pressure.
  • speak to an attorney.
  • no hidden fees.

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